Housing and Shelter

Welcome to the Housing and Shelter section of the International Financial Development Organization (IFDO). We are dedicated to providing safe and sustainable housing solutions to communities across Bangladesh. Our goal is to ensure that every individual has access to decent housing, fostering security and dignity within communities.

Our Mission to address the housing needs of vulnerable populations, enhance living conditions, and promote resilience in communities across Bangladesh.

- Key Areas of Focus

  • Innovative Design and Technology
  • Empowerment through Education
  • Advocacy and Policy Change
  • Partnerships and Collaboration
  • Holistic Development

Innovating Design and Technology

  • We harness the power of innovative design principles and cutting-edge technology to create housing solutions that are not only functional and resilient but also aesthetically pleasing and environmentally sustainable. From 3D printing to sustainable materials, we push the boundaries of what’s possible in housing construction.

Empowerment through Education

  • We believe that education is key to breaking the cycle of poverty and homelessness. Our programs provide individuals and communities with the knowledge and skills they need to build and maintain their homes, manage finances, and advocate for their rights.

Advocacy and Policy Change

  • We advocate for policies that prioritize housing as a human right and challenge systems of inequality and discrimination. Through research, lobbying, and public awareness campaigns, we seek to effect lasting change at local, national, and global levels, ensuring that housing justice is at the forefront of policy agendas.

Partnerships and Collaboration

  • We recognize that no single organization can solve the housing crisis alone. That’s why we partner with governments, NGOs, businesses, academia, and local communities to leverage resources, expertise, and networks for maximum impact. Together, we can achieve more than we ever could alone

Holistic Development

  • Our approach to housing goes beyond bricks and mortar; it’s about fostering holistic development. We integrate housing solutions with access to healthcare, education, livelihood opportunities, and community services, creating environments where individuals and families can thrive and fulfill their potential.
You can stay updated on IFDO's work by subscribing to its newsletter, following its social media channels, visiting its website for project updates and success stories, and attending events and fundraisers organized by IFDO.
IFDO maintains transparency by regularly publishing financial reports, engaging in independent audits, and adhering to best practices in governance and management to ensure accountability to donors and beneficiaries.
You can support IFDO by making donations, volunteering your time and skills, spreading awareness about its work, and advocating for sustainable development practices.
IFDO implements WASH projects to improve access to clean water, sanitation facilities, and hygiene education, promoting health and preventing diseases in underserved areas.

Our Approach

  • Partnerships: We collaborate with government agencies, non-profit organizations, community groups, and private sector partners to leverage resources and expertise, maximizing the impact of our housing and shelter projects.
  • Inclusivity: Our projects are designed to be inclusive and equitable, ensuring that the housing needs of vulnerable and marginalized populations, including women, children, the elderly, and people with disabilities, are addressed.
  • Sustainability: We prioritize environmentally sustainable housing solutions that minimize resource consumption and promote resilience to climate change.
  • Empowerment: We empower communities to take ownership of their housing solutions, providing them with the tools, training, and support they need to build and maintain their homes.

Success Stories

  • Saving Lives in Times of Crisis: Through our rapid response efforts, we have provided lifesaving assistance to communities affected by natural disasters, conflicts, and other emergencies, helping to meet their immediate needs and protect their dignity.
  • Rebuilding Communities: In the aftermath of disasters, we have supported communities in rebuilding their lives and restoring their livelihoods, promoting sustainable recovery and resilience.
  • Protecting the Most Vulnerable: By prioritizing the needs of vulnerable populations, including women, children, and persons with disabilities, we have ensured that they receive the support and protection they need to rebuild their lives with dignity.

Get Involved

We invite individuals, organizations, and governments to join us in our efforts to provide humanitarian aid and relief to communities in need. Whether through donations, volunteering, or advocacy, your support can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected by crises and disasters.

For more information on how to get involved or to learn more about our humanitarian aid and relief projects, please contact us.