Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Welcome to the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) section of the International Financial Development Organization (IFDO). We are committed to improving access to clean water, promoting proper sanitation practices, and enhancing hygiene standards in communities across Bangladesh. Our WASH initiatives address various focused areas critical for public health, environmental sustainability, and community well-being.

Our Mission to ensure that every individual has access to safe water sources, adequate sanitation facilities, and hygiene education. By empowering communities to manage their water resources effectively and adopt healthy hygiene practices, we aim to prevent waterborne diseases, reduce environmental pollution, and promote sustainable development.

-Key Areas of Focus

  • Access to Clean Water
  • Sanitation Facilities
  • Community Empowerment
  • Hygiene Promotion
  • Technology and Innovation

Access to Clean Water

  • Ensuring reliable access to safe and clean drinking water through the implementation of sustainable water supply systems, including wells, boreholes, and piped water networks.

Sanitation Facilities

  •  Improving sanitation infrastructure by constructing and maintaining toilets, latrines, and wastewater treatment systems to eliminate open defecation and prevent contamination of water sources

Community Empowerment

  • Engaging and empowering local residents in the planning, implementation, and monitoring of WASH projects, ensuring their active participation and ownership for long-term sustainability

Hygiene Promotion

  •  Conducting hygiene awareness campaigns and educational programs to promote proper handwashing, sanitation practices, menstrual hygiene management, and environmental cleanliness within communities.

Technology and Innovation

  •  Harnessing innovative technologies and sustainable practices to enhance water quality, optimize sanitation services, and improve resource management in WASH infrastructure development.
You can stay updated on IFDO's work by subscribing to its newsletter, following its social media channels, visiting its website for project updates and success stories, and attending events and fundraisers organized by IFDO.
IFDO maintains transparency by regularly publishing financial reports, engaging in independent audits, and adhering to best practices in governance and management to ensure accountability to donors and beneficiaries.
You can support IFDO by making donations, volunteering your time and skills, spreading awareness about its work, and advocating for sustainable development practices.
IFDO implements WASH projects to improve access to clean water, sanitation facilities, and hygiene education, promoting health and preventing diseases in underserved areas.

Our Approaches

  • Community Participation: We actively involve community members in all stages of project planning and implementation to ensure that solutions are tailored to their specific needs and are culturally appropriate.
  • Partnerships: We collaborate with local governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and international partners to leverage resources and expertise, maximizing the impact of our projects.
  • Sustainability: We design projects with a focus on long-term sustainability, ensuring that infrastructure is maintained and that communities are equipped with the knowledge and resources to sustain improvements in water, sanitation, and hygiene practices.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: We continuously monitor and evaluate our projects to assess their effectiveness, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that they are meeting the needs of the communities we serve.

Success Stories

  • Transforming Lives through Clean Water: Our water purification projects have significantly reduced waterborne diseases, improving health outcomes and quality of life for community members.
  • Empowering Communities with Sanitation: By constructing and promoting the use of sanitation facilities, we have helped communities maintain hygienic living environments, reducing the spread of disease.
  • Educating for Change: Through hygiene education initiatives, we have empowered individuals with the knowledge and skills to adopt and maintain healthy hygiene practices, leading to improved overall well-being.

Get Involved

We invite individuals and organizations to join us in our mission to promote water, sanitation, and hygiene for community development. Whether through volunteering, donating, or partnering with us, your support can make a significant difference in improving the lives of people in Bangladesh and beyond. Together, we can build healthier, more resilient communities.

For more information on how to get involved or to learn more about our water, sanitation, and hygiene projects, please contact us.

- Our Strategy